St. John Weekly Messenger- 21 September, 2014
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St. John's Lancaster, Our Parish |
Prayer Requests
Sun: The Anglican Church of the Province of Uganda, for Bishop Breidenthal at the House of Bishops
Mon: Diocese of Hyderbad in Packistan, Food for the Poor and their ministry of development and mercy
Tues: Diocese of Ibadan North in Nigeria, Troops deploying to Africa and South Asia and their families
Wed: Diocese of Ibadan South in Nigeria, Lancaster’s warming station ministry and the homeless
Thurs: Diocese of Ibba in Sudan, St. John’s upcoming stewardship campaign
Fri: Diocese of Abuja in Nigeria, Deacon Don and Linda Eager as they move to Arizona
Sat: Diocese of Idaho, the businesses of our parish and community, that they might thrive
Video Catechism on You Tube: Check out “Maple Anglican: What is the Difference between Anglicans and Episcopalians?”
Nursery and Children’s workers are needed to expand our children’s education program. Safe Church Training is available at St. John’s in October. See Fr. Bill or Mark Conrad if you sense a call or would like more information.
Daily Office Readings are Year Two, Proper 20, found on page 985 of the Book of Common Prayer.
This Week at St. John’s
Office Hours Monday through Thursday 9-12
Today: 9:15 Adult Forum with Bishop N.T. Wright of The Church of England- discussion to follow
Monday: 4:45 Youth Catechism, Pizza, and Compline at Church- Holy Baptism II
6:00 Brown Bag Dinner and Bible Study from All Soul’s London- Open Home, Open Bible
7:00 Choral Evensong
Wednesday: 10:30 Bible Study from All Soul’s, London, I Thessalonians
Noon 1928 Holy Communion
Thursday: 3:45 Leave to serve Community Dinner with St. Paul’s in Logan
Next Sunday: 8:00 HC I
9:15 Choir Practice
9:15 Adult Forum with Bishop NT Wright: The Gospel of John
10:30 HC II
12 noon- 2:30 Children and Youth Movie and Lunch with discussion. Cars is the movie this month
4:00 St Francis Day Blessing of the Beasts!
Remember to put your prayer requests in the alms basin
Confession and Spiritual Direction are available on request- see Fr. Bill
We need desserts for the Community Dinner in Logan: sign up sheet at back of church
Stewardship Note: Did you know that St. John’s, with the encouragement and blessing of our Bishop, seeks to implement a program called “Common Ministry.” The purpose of the program is to empower lay people in active ministry whenever possible. Some examples include our lay office volunteers (who replaced our regular paid secretary some time ago.) Their work saves the church about $10 or $12 thousand every year. Another example is our lay internal audit, which saves the church another $10k
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