St. John Weekly Messenger- 28 September, 2014
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Worship at St. John's- come and join us! |
Prayer Requests
Sun: The Episcopal Church, James Broadway in ICU awaiting diagnosis
Mon: Diocese of Ideato in Nigeria, Wanda and Scott fighting cancer
Tues: Diocese of Idoani in Nigeria, Stuart Perlow and his family as he deploys to Afghanistan
Wed: Diocese of Ife in Nigeria, Schyler’s mother at the loss of her sister and aunt
Thurs: Diocese of Ife East in Nigeria, The work of FairHoPe Hospice and Pickering House
Fri: Diocese of Ifo in Nigeria, Joel and Jessie Strauss at the loss of their parents
Sat: Dioceses of Igbomina in Nigeria, Travis and Janet as they are married in Decatur, Illinois
Video Catechism on You Tube: Check out “kkallsen” for bi-weekly news and commentary from around the Anglican world from “Anglican Unscripted.”
Nursery and Children’s workers are needed to expand our children’s education program. Safe Church Training is available at St. John’s in October. See Fr. Bill or Mark Conrad if you sense a call or would like more information.
Daily Office Readings are Year Two, Proper 21, found on page 987 of the Book of Common Prayer.
This Week at St. John’s
Office Hours Monday through Thursday 9-12
Today: 9:15 Adult Forum with Bishop N.T. Wright of The Church of England- discussion to follow
12:15 -2:30 Children’s and Youth Lunch and Movie CARS
4:00 St. Francis Day Blessing of the Beasts
Monday: 4:45 Youth Catechism, Pizza, and Compline at Church- Holy Baptism II
6:00 Brown Bag Dinner and Bible Study from All Soul’s London- Open Home, Open Bible
7:00 Choral Evensong
Wednesday: 10:30 Bible Study from All Soul’s, London, I Thessalonians
Noon 1928 Holy Communion
Next Sunday: We welcome our own Kathy Heim to the pulpit. Kathy is a student in our Diocesan preaching school, and we look forward to her sharing God’s Word with us:
8:00: Service of the Word
9:00: First sunday Breakfast- nursery at 10:30. Invite a friend!
9:15 Choir Practice
10:30 Service of the Word
12 noon- 2:30 Children and Youth Movie and Lunch with discussion. Cars is the movie this month
4:00 St Francis Day Blessing of the Beasts!
Remember to put your prayer requests in the alms basin
Confession and Spiritual Direction are available on request- see Fr. Bill
Thanks to everyone who helped with the dinner in Logan
Stewardship Note: Have you met St. John’s Garden Angel (as opposed to our guardian angel)? He mows the grass and trims every week, and has been known to show up early to remove ice and snow when the weather is bad. Children often mistake him for his friend Santa Claus, and he attends our 8 am service. Tell our angel Steve thanks if you see him. Did you notice that our doors front and back have been painted? Many thanks to our volunteer and Junior Warden John Eyeman, who is also the owner of Heritage Painting LLC. His research allowed us to select the historically accurate color for the front doors, “Chinese Red,” which is the same color used for historic accents and portals at Colonial Williamsburg.
The New Parish Directories are available at the back of the Church. One per family please. Thanks to Schyler, Jean, Carole, and everyone who helped to make this update possible. Let us know if there are corrections or additions which need to be made. A directory is always an ongoing project.
Vocations Needed: Ladies, have you ever considered serving on the altar guild? It is a sacred responsibility to care for the holy things of God and to prepare the church for worship. Is God calling you? See Fr. Bill if you are interested.
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